Our certificates
Compliance with sectoral directives is of utmost importance to KFS
KFS needs certified raw materials for the sustainable production of biofuels. The REDcert certificate was issued to confirm KFS’ compliance with the biofuel sustainability regulation, including the sustainable production of biofuel, for the Cloppenburg and Kassel sites since October 2010 and for the Cologne site since April 2012. In autumn 2012, REDcert also confirmed that KFS Group had complied with the European sustainability criteria.
Based on the voluntary commitment made by KFS, PCU Deutschland GmbH, Berlin confirmed compliance with the requirements within the scope of German double-counting of emission reductions under Art. 7 of the 36th of the Federal Immission Control Act in September.
KFS closely cooperates with its partners in agricultural and is always in close contact with the local farmers.
You can reach us here!
KFS Biodiesel GmbH & Co. KG
Industriezubringer 3
49661 Cloppenburg
Phone: +49 (0) 44 71 / 18420-0
Fax: +49 (0) 44 71 / 18420-220
E-Mail: info@kfs-biodiesel.de